Karen Bejarano's statements on indignant feminism social networks | TV and show


It was the night of last Wednesday, when the panelist of Muy Buenos Días Karen Bejarano was invited to the program of the Chain 13, Follow Largo where she was played in an unfortunate moment.

While talking about the limits of humor on television, the power of feminism has been raised and the struggle taking place in our country. In this context, Bejarano has launched a comment that has earned him severe criticism in the networks

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"I do not like to be called feminism, look, because feminism and machismo would be like the same " declared the exchica Mekano in conversation with Sergio Lagos and the other leaders of the end.

In this context, he indicated that he prefers "to say that women were empowered and He began to brandish his fighting flag and we began to demand respect, equality in a million things as in the question of wages. "

" I do not like to be labeled feminist, because I have the impression of returning to the old contradiction (… ) I like it better than the woman has acquired her power and gives herself the value that corresponds to her, "reiterated Bejarano

  Capture Channel 13

Capture Channel 13

After these statements, Karen was white with critical roughness by Twitter, noting that the communicator did not understand the true meaning of the term "feminism", compared to "machismo".

It should be noted that the "machismo" is defined by the RAE (Royal Spanish Academy), as "arrogant attitude of" feminism "is the" principle of equality of rights for women and men "

Check out some of the reactions left by these statements:

" I'm Karen Paola, Chilean opinion leader, feminism and machismo are the same, now let's I cry my photos in a filtered balloon and dance my super hits plagiarize Eurovision Spain …. " pic.twitter.com/Bqg20LpH5Y

– Victoria Grayson (@CarrieBlue) June 28, 2018 [19659015] In @TvN Maca dissociates Tondreau to have a clear, argued and validated position .. and to have the badhole of Karen Paola q does not know or does not define feminism po wn .. #KarenYAlisEnSDL #YoNoVeoTVN

– SeBΛSS ? T #TeamAquaria (@heysebs) June 28, 2018

You can not say that feminism and machismo are the same – what is your definition of concepts ?! Please read, inform yourself, pa have something crazy Internet wea raging Karen Paola #KarenYAlisEnSDL

– Flavia (@flavizzzzle) June 28, 2018

"Not me I like the term" feminism "because machismo and feminism are like the same thing Karen Paola Eye with communicators on television, pure misinformation! #KarenYAlisEnSDL

– Paz Salazar (@ PazSalazar18) June 28, 2018

Karen, feminism is not the feminine version of machismo ??, better investigate! #KarenYAlisEnSDL

– Pilon! (@PilarHidalgoM) June 28, 2018

#KarenYAlisEnSDL Karen has no idea what feminism means ??♀️ If you do not know do not give your opinion If you want to comment, find out. #feminismonoesigualamachismo

– Jovi Seguel (@joviseguel) 28 June 2018

#KarenYAlisEnSDL Someone to explain to Karen Paola that feminism and machismo ARE NOT They are the same. Only ignorant faces on TV.

– Rocco (@municionx) June 28, 2018

How could one say there. Karen Paola did not understand anything about feminism from here we hugged her #SigamosdeLargo

– Kano Brito (@Comandantekano) June 28, 2018

Seriously do not know still the meaning of feminism !!! ??? Karen saying "I do not like the word feminism, because feminism and machismo are the same, I prefer to say that women have had the power" LOL !!!!! #KarenYAlisEnSDL

– Cristian Bravo (@ cristian_bravo1) June 28, 2018

Karen Paola just told Long Sigamos that feminism and machismo are pretty much the same. .. ?♀️ #KarenYAlisEnSDL Dioooos mine of my soul.

– Maripaz Barahona (@mariapazbd) June 28, 2018

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