Luksic gives a barbecue for 10 people competing to guess the podium of Russia 2018 | Sports


Taking advantage of the excitement of the 2018 Russian World Cup the president of Quiñenco, Andrónico Luksic offered a contest in which to participate must aim the podium of World Cup

The winner of the entrepreneurial initiative will organize a barbecue for 10 people, although it is worth mentioning that it also participates, but with the exception of 39, an impossibility.

This, because Luksic "played" betting that the world champion will be Croatia, while Belgium and Mexico will finish on the podium.

It is impossible, because in case of advance in the second round, the Belgians would play. against the Americans in the round of the eight best

Happy Friday! I propose to predict today the podium of the World Cup. A barbecue for 10 people to everyone who points to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in a single tweet, until tomorrow at 9:59. Disqualified q offers more than one combination. I play: 1.Croatia.2.Belgium.3.México. Good luck!

– Andrónico Luksic C. (@aluksicc) June 29, 2018

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