Leo Méndez: "When I was 9 years old I suffered sexual violence" | Society


A shocking revelation was sent Leo Méndez Jr. after his second participation in "Vertigo": he told that at the age of nine he was a victim badual abuse.

When Diana Bolocco asked him in the space "The Last Judgment" made in his life to which he attributes his sudden changes of mood. "Maybe, but I'm not really ready to talk about it because for me it was a dark period" he admitted before saying

"Like things in the life, this person does not exist.He was in a coma but he did not wake up and i will not tell who put him in coma but i know this person but this person did not really know what this person had done, "he said. Although he was not defining himself in his life, he put him in a super hideous situation and left behind the scars that still persecute him.

Stating that it is something "super personal" reported that In 2017, he was able to reveal the fact to his family, saying that only his sister Steffi Méndez knew exactly what had happened.

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