Avengers 4: the director of photography could have revealed the official title of the film – Tomatazos


The latest installment of the Avengers saga that will debut in 2019 is shrouded in a mystery that has not left fans of the Marvel film universe to fall asleep, as we're not going anywhere. We still have no idea what will be the plot development or they revealed what will be the Marvel Comics characters that we will have the opportunity to see on the big screen. And if that was not enough, we do not know what will be the official title of the film.

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But in this first half of the year, the mysteries have been revealed little by little, sometimes thanks to the good Will Kevin Feige who in some interviews gave us some clues and, on the other hand, some oversights, if they can be considered negligent, have given us light on the band. This is the case of the director of photography, Trent Opaloch who worked with the directors of The Avengers – 92% (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier – 89% (2014), Captain America: Civil War – 90% (2016) and Avengers: Infinity War – 79% (2018), which could have revealed the title of the fourth episode of the saga when he updated his website, as reported Comic Strip (via Omega Underground ).

Although at that time the site only had the name of Avengers 4 -%, it apparently had an update where appeared the title: Avengers: End Game in a relationship that the director has placed on his website to list the films he has worked on. However, as you will remember, the same Kevin Feige had announced, according to information from Collider that the name of the film would only be revealed after the premiere of the 39, hangs from Capitana Marvel.

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According to information from Comic Book had already emerged the rumor that the name of the film would be Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet . However, this title was changed once the authors of Avengers: Infinity War Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, who changed the script of the film that would include the Infinite Click and Thanos Glove, appeared on stage. because they made the decision to tell this story in two parts.

Well, we have too much story to tell, we decided to cut it in half. But we realized that it was likely that the first part would feel more like a cliff drop than we intended. [Pero el guión lo necesitaba] Be as big as I would like to be, and so vast … [Así que nos fuimos por un guión] that it has reached a tragic end. And then, the one in which mysterious things happened that I can not say

The name that was revealed could be the official title of the film with which the film universe of Marvel will close phase 3 and we can look forward to an end that will leave MCU fans more than happy. For the moment, it remains to continue to wait until Kevin Feige officially confirms the name of the fourth installment of Avengers and that in the rest of the year, more mysteries be revealed. By the way, are you ready for Ant-Man and the Wasp – 98%?

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