The brand of razor blades that celebrates women who do not wax


"Body hair, everyone has it."

These are simple words, but they aroused a debate thanks to a commercial knife that shows women in the process of being depilated

but that's because normally advertising razors for women shows legs and armpits perfectly smooth that look like plastic.

Blade brand Billie says she's the first to show women with hair in 100 years. As a result, their advertising became viral.

In social networks, many held close-ups of women with hair in the armpits, on the belly, on the toes and with "unicejas".

https: / /

"I do not like razors, but this advertisement is awesome ", written user Instagram @ hanguk0

Ashamed [19659009] "When brands claim that all women have a hairless body, this is a form of discomfort for their body ," said Georgina Gooley, co-founder of Billie, Glamor magazine

. "He tells them that they should feel embarrbaded about having body hair."

In addition to her announcement, the brand launched an online campaign to render natural images of natural women with hair.

] To do this, they donated photos of women with hair on the Unsplash website, which people can use in some way free of charge

  10227769833a03d9238c24f299f31ef6e7284245c-c92c21875594655a0c5bdb9897d85fb4.jpg [19659013] Supporters of the campaign say that it gives them a more positive feeling about their hair. / Billie </span></div>
<p>  But in the midst of the fury caused by the campaign, some women wonder why a brand of blades would try to reduce the </strong> taboos </strong> on body hair </p>
<p>  "This is True at this stage of my life, I appreciate the sensation of light legs <strong> like everyone else, "said writer Rachelle Hampton in an article for the Slate portal. </p>
<p> " But I would not have started shaving if I had not <strong> convinced, at age 11, that it was wrong to have hair. "</p>
<div clbad=  102277323billie715910unsplash-4180e59c5f93ab31ef92009af900b47d .jpg campaign aims to normalize images of women with hairs. / Billie

Does a company that sells blades can say that it is not complicit

Billie answers this question with a phrase in her ad: "If you want, and when you want to shave, we are here . "

And, interestingly, at the end of the commercial not all women are shaved.

" Depilating is a personal choice "Some of us chose to eliminate it, and some chose to wear it with pride "Gooley explains. "In any case, we should not have to apologize for our choice."

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