Neither Messi nor CR7: Russia 2018 found themselves without its two great figures



A few hours later, Cristiano Ronaldo had in his hands (or on his feet) the opportunity to gain a lot of ground in this kind of body-to-body duel that he has with Messi. [19659003] But he did not succeed.

His Portugal ended up succumbing to the Uruguayan claw and also said goodbye in the round of 16, although the player's image of Real Madrid did not go unnoticed. Total scored four goals and his outstanding performance against Spain in the debut took all the flashes. However, unlike what is happening with Messi, that of Ronaldo seems to have been his last World Cup, since it can hardly continue at the highest level in four years in Qatar, while that # 39; he will travel 37


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The truth is that a Saturday of memory, Russia 2018 has lost its two great representatives and will have to look for "new" stars to fill this vacancy.

Will he finally consecrate Neymar to finish confirming himself as the elite of the elite? Will Mbappé be only 19 years old to lead France to his second title? We will have to wait to see the end of a story that has been left today without its main protagonists.

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