Profile of the music consumer


One of the favorite forms of entertainment by millions of people is music but, like most things in life, tastes and trends evolve over time.

This is the case today. the one that the consumption of music through the platforms of streaming surpbades very clearly the sale in physical formats.

According to the International Federation of Phonographic Industry (IFPI, for its abbreviations English), in 2017, applications like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube and Deezer, among others, generated revenues of more than $ 6,600,600 million surpbading the record sales which represented 5 thousand 200 million dollars .

A datum like the previous one could be a phrase for music in physical format, but the reality dictates that all is not lost, it's only an indication that the industry needs to evolve to public rhythm

High Fidelity

For years, one of the preferred ways to listen to favorite bands or artists was the records of vinyl cbadette and , later, CDs. However, consumption is now more focused on services such as Spotify, Apple Music, Google Play, Deezer or YouTube.

This trend is global, where 45% of Internet users listen to music by the legal services of streaming according to IFPI

In Mexico, the trend is similar, nine out of ten claim to use some sort of music platform by streaming as revealed by the profile of the music consumer, conducted by the Research Department of Merca2.0.

According to the report, 70.97 percent ] users note that it uses Spotify, while 18.10% has it with Apple Music , while YouTube Red and Google Play Music are the choice of 5.73 and ] 3.94% Deezer only 1.25%. [19659002]

This shows that the consumer has changed, for years it was common to go to a specialty store, bazaar or even online to buy an EP album and LP, but with the time files of audio files and today playlists in streaming those who dominate the personal catalogs.

Paola Ortiz, Doritos brand director

This is due to the evolution "The new generations are more demanding to establish links with the brands, so they are looking for new and different experiences beyond the product, "says Paola Ortiz, director of the technology and consumer habits department . Marque Doritos

But that does not change the fidelity that people have for music, as well as for bands or artists. Let's look at what happens in cases like Spotify, a platform in which younger generations have found an ideal resource to connect to their favorite music and with new proposals. Thus, for example, according to data from Spotify or Brands, the 64 percent of streaming reproduced by users of the millennial generation, arrives from mobile devices . Likewise, it happens with Generation Z, because 54% is more likely to consume streaming because of its constant contact with mobile devices.

coinciding with what was found by the Merca2.0 research team, since over 70 percent of the people consulted for the Music Consumer Profile report, points out that the smartphone is the device they use to listen to music by streaming .

The increase in the adoption of mobile devices and digital platforms goes hand in hand with the fact that groups and artists today have a very strong fingerprint; social networks, their web pages and video channels are a fundamental part of their brand image and, of course, contacts with followers.

The format changes but the experiment has to last

Until now, everything would badume that the physical formats in the music have a sentence, but, the reality is that it does not necessarily have to be like that, but there must be an evolution where the majority of consumption results from digital formats or […] primarily, and records, tapes and other resources such as videos will continue to be an important part of the identity of the creators.

"We are halfway, in this digital and badog era, to call it so, because there are still people who love the art-object of the disc", explains Dexter González, director of digital & RP at Intolerancia Discos.

The truth is that before, acquiring a record was an act of loyalty with the bands or artists, and although the consumption goes on today more through the platforms of streaming they can still be the key to connecting with the public

"Everything is about evolution, I think history has us learned that at some point everything comes and goes; arrived with the vinyl and with the cbadette these are modalities, I do not think that they disappear, it's rather the evolution in the form of consumption, it is to pay attention to the public. "[19659002]

Although, in the platforms of streaming there is an" explosion in the diversity of d & # 39; listening ", according to David Erlandsson and Jomar Perez, in Spotify Insights, this is motivated, in the first place by" the artists who make all this great music ".

But, although they are today present on this type of platforms, their validity is due to the fingerprint, since at the present time the listener or the consumer asks more Attention, when an album came out and had one or two years of life, but today you must be constantly in the public mind, through the content on Instagram, Twitter or Facebo ok, as well as by various touch points like shows, concerts or festivals. [19659002] It is described by Stefan Heinrich, regional director of Spain and Latam, "today, people do not only connect to creators through their music channels and their social networks, but they become the star and create versions. "

That's why, he adds," new emerging platforms that provide the tools to unleash creativity and participate in the distribution of music. "

Sin Doubtless, the format and preference channels can change, without a doubt, there will be elements that, rather than disappearing, will have to evolve to take a new place in the list of ways the audience listens to their music [19659028] CLICK TO CONSULT THE PREMIUM CONTENT OF MERCA20.COM <<

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