Castillo confessed his big dream: "I've always wanted to play the Champions League" | Sports


AS Chile

Nicolás Castillo spoke on Sunday about his adaptation to Benfica his new club. The former Pumas striker said he was well received and that he was anxious to play.

In an interview he gave the website of the Portuguese box he said details: "The workouts are very strong, I'm adapting to meet what they expect from me I feel very happy and at ease, everyone in the club has very well received, I feel happy ".

"This is an amazing band, the stadium is very beautiful, in which I could start to train. Gradually I know my teammates and I'm working on the physical part, this which is important " he added. He spoke about his expectations in the European country: "What I intend to do, when I go to a club, is to give everything." I want to win as many matches as I can, qualify for the Champions League. ] What is the closest goal and have a good season, "he said.

" Me gu It would be a lot to play this competition (Champions League). That's what I've always wanted . They've already talked to me about how the Champions live here in the stadium. The fans support us a lot and I want to play these games. "

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