Luis Jara closed the return of the Cantar Vecinal Festival with a spectacular presentation


– The winners of the contest were Evelyn Osorio of the Fitz Roy population, Trinidad Almonacid of Gabriela Mistral District Council and Margarita Inostroza of the Villa Las Nieves neighbors, who took $ 800,000, $ 500,000 and 300,000 $

Cries, lung songs, cell phones recording and taking pictures, and dancing in the audience, marked the last night of the Song Festival of District that has come back in glory and majesty Since 2007. It should be noted that the contest lasted two days, the first involving 12 competitors, including six selected for the final held on Friday at the gym of 39. Association of September 18th. The winners were Evelyn Osorio from the Fitz Roy population, Trinidad Almonacid from Gabriela Mistral neighborhood council and Margarita Inostroza from the Villa las Nieves neighbors, who took respectively 800,000, 500,000 and 300,000 dollars. For both evenings, the music in competition and the artistic grid were the responsibility of the Lesprod Orchestra.

The event began with a choreographic montage of the Solar Peace Dance Academy, before giving way to the competition. in the end, he left the stage free of charge for the Lesprod Orchestra, which began lighting the night with the best of popular music, playing a diverse repertoire.

Although the event shone with the talent of the event Puntaren singers, the highlight of the night was directed by the singer and national artist Luis Jara, who simply revolutionized the audience with his songs. Compositions like "A stroke of luck", "And you're not", "Tomorrow" and "I need it" have been a great success, especially among women of all ages.

At the rate of Luis Jara, the Festival del Cantar Vecinal is closed with a bloom, that he hopes to continue in time and not fall back into oblivion. This was announced by the organizers of the event, the Communal Union of Punta Arenas, the Municipality of Punta Arenas and the Union Communale Hernando de Magallanes.


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