AMLO wins the elections in Mexico: the meteoric rise of MORENA, the party he founded 4 years ago


The National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) was registered in Mexico in 2014. And only four years later, he won the presidency of the country with Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

In addition, according to him it was done with six of the nine governors who were voted in the polls: all except Guanajuato, Jalisco and Yucatan.

In addition, MORENA is the main force in Congress and the Senate

How a party that did not exist in the last presidential election was able to take so much strength to succeed in 2018 ? 19659005] The experts agree that one of the main reasons is that, although a few years have elapsed since its formation as a party, its leaders already had an important trajectory.

Especially the now-elected president, López Obrador.

Personal Votes

"After the 2012 elections, when AMLO saw that he was not going to be a candidate of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD, left), with whom he had also pleaded for the presidency in 2006, formed a new party, "says Jose Antonio Crespo, Center for Economic Research and Education.

Crespo says that AMLO knew that many of the voices that he had obtained in the elections of 2006 and 2012 belonged to him, not the party .

"And he calculated well," says the researcher.

  102285598gettyimages987111966-5416049c28938b850069e38e1d284d6e.jpg AMLO had millions since the last elections. / Getty Images

In addition, in separating from the PRD, he took some of his political capital with him.

The PRD was a party that added initiatives of old and new movements of left and center Left in the country. Some of them left with AMLO when the new initiative came up.

In addition, many MORENA leaders were active in the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) and PAN (National Action Party).

Plenitude of the Traditional Political System

Another important point for MORENA to add votes, agree experts consulted by BBC World, is that in Mexico there is a satiety in the system And MORENA represents a change for them because it looks like an alternative movement.

"The PRI has abused corruption and the PAN has disappointed both its governments because it has not seriously battled corruption, and insecurity and drug trafficking have slipped. "says Crespo.

Although a series of parties and movements have emerged in Europe that have changed the political framework in a short time, in Mexico it is something strange and new, Alberto explains. Aziz Nacif, researcher at the Center for Research and Graduate Studies in Social Anthropology.

He explains that in Mexico the party system was relatively stable, with three majorities, and that there were many locks to form new parties.

In Search of Change

But much of the strength of MORENA is due to the crisis context in which Mexico finds itself

"Problems have reached such a degree of This society is challenging the prevailing dominant model and putting the spotlight on change, "says Aziz.

  102285600gettyimages987257694-46e9adc898ed81424ad2bbfd81e69ddb.jpg Part of the strength of MORENA is due to the crisis context in which Mexico finds itself ./Getty Images

Among the main problems, he mentions violence, insecurity, the economy, especially the gap between rich and poor, and the precarious job market in which young people have a lot of problems. Difficulties in Access.

Experts agree that MORENA, in addition to being known as a party, enjoys recognition as a social movement.

"Long before that the campaign does not begin, Its members have been knocking on doors across the country, telling people why the country should change and why they should join this movement, "he told the BBC. Mundo Tatiana Clouthier, coordinator of the AMLO campaign

Great challenges

But, now in power, MORENA will face some challenges, the badysts agree.

Aziz considers that his main momentum, but also his main weakness, has to do with the strong leadership of AMLO.

"It is the factor that motivates and breeds growth, but at the same time, it is a limitation, especially for the institutionalization of the party," explains the l & # 39; expert on electoral politics and democracy.

He says that, according to other international experiences, movements, especially center-left movements that oppose and reach the government in a short time, have the great challenge of staying linked to impulses. which brought them to power.

  102285602gettyimages984615284-f9f2246007b4ddf77790d187924ef94e.jpg One of the main challenges is badociated with his leadership. / Getty Images

"This is what happened with the Workers Party in Brazil and the movement that Lula da Silva promoted, when he became a leader he he's disconnected a bit from the popular claims "he says.

The coordinator of the AMLO campaign says that one of MORENA's challenges to power is to "soon give changes to be able to maintain that spirit, that joy, of society that wants a transformation of the country".

Among the changes, he says that there must be as soon as he mentions: "Decrease corruption, remove privileges to the political clbad and redirect public spending to generate growth in the country ".

AMLO won the presidency with MORENA for his third attempt.

Now he has the challenge of filling his constituents, the Mexicans who want a change.

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