The "Crossing" of Bauza and Sampaoli's Representatives: Did the Selection Ask That? | International


The repercussions of the early elimination of Argentina from the World Cup continue to multiply. Nobody expected that Albiceleste would be eliminated in the second round, given the accessible group that he had in the global event.

However, a series of errors made the trans-Andean team second in the zone. with one of the strongest actors, like France.

In this sense, there was a character who made a powerful and public criticism of Jorge Sampaoli, the Argentine coach, who transcended into the media: Gustavo Lescovich.

Who is Lescovich? Nothing less than the representative of Edgardo Bauza, the technical director who was on the bench of Albiceleste before Sampaoli.

"Have you asked to be the coach of Argentina for that?" The same thing we support to the selection always, "wrote the agent of" Patón "on his official Twitter.

Although he has received the support of many fans, Lescovich has also had to support Fernando Baredes, Sampaoli's lawyer, who "defended" his representative and he replied harshly

"I will clarify that you did not ask anything you went to get it when Bauza told us put in the repechage area losing to Paraguay and Bolivia, "said Baredes Lescovich attempted to minimize the problem, stating that" I do not say it as a representative of Bauza, a fan of the Argentina, sad for my children ", the truth is that a new controversy has been" discovered "in the neighboring country: Sampaoli as a coach and" force "the departure of Bauza? The problem is far from over

I point out that he has not asked anything for what he went to get it when Bauza put us in a losing repechage area of ​​the house with Paraguay and Bolivia

– fernando baredes (@fbaredes) 1 July 2018

Crossing Representatives! He launched Bauza's, replied Sampaoli's, Strong huh! #Argentina

– Fernando Carlos (@ fercarlos75) July 2, 2018

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