Will be reborn in Dubai | Shows


Greece- In the recently opened Lohan Beach House, the other day, families played with naked women and others religiously covered, while a Romanian man, muscular shirtless and enviable, with tears tattooed on his face and the image of a subject taking drugs with cocaine adorning his abdomen, dancing near the sea.

None of these people, who had paid dozens from euros to rest on a thick towel Lohan brand, seemed to notice the presence of the same Lindsay Lohan, in red swimsuit and his red baseball cap with the word "RUSSIA", which had just installed by the sea.

Located on a healthy stretch of Kalo Livaldi beach, the beach club It includes a restaurant, a bar and plenty of sand. On the way, the taxi driver described the club as a real hit on the island.

Lohan showed no trace of the European accent she had exhibited in past interviews, and was pleased to talk about the Lohan brand. After giving her name to an Athens club last year (she has already sold her share of this project, she said), she decided to try again this summer, but with the creative control that she has. She thought she did not have Athens. This time, his partners remain on the sidelines.

So he designed everything in this Mykonos club, up to the playlists. Another Lohan club is expected to open soon in Rhodes. In addition, he says, he is working on the design of a Lohan Island in Dubai

"Now my life has a commercial side, but I'm not in the United States, so no one knows anything about all that, which is good for me, "said Lohan

" Because in this way I can really focus on the outcome of things. "

Less Demanding

Despite decades of coverage on his life in the tabloids, he argues that the public has never met the real Lindsay.

"I think success is the best revenge, and silence, the best presence.When I chose to change my future and my life, I thought: What is it? where can I find silence? "

This place is Dubai, where single women can still be arrested or deported for the crime of getting pregnant. 19659002] It's also a place where invading privacy while taking photos may be illegal, and Lohan feels so protected there as to unlock the doors of his penthouse.

"It's less demanding. In the United States, it is always: give it, give it, give it, give it, "he said.

"I do not need to talk about the news and see the Kardashian. I do not have anything to do anymore. I choose what I want to see and how I want to live. "

He did not even closely follow the events of last year in the United States, where Donald Trump and #MeToo transformed the culture of the country." The comments that are made in the section above are the responsibility of the participants Help us to maintain a healthy exchange of ideas by denouncing, by means of an icon on the flag, each participation that you consider inappropriate. is not in accordance with THE RULES it will be eliminated See here the regulation .

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