Nicolás López adds a new complaint against him: a filmmaker accused him of abuse in the workplace | TV and show


A new complaint against Nicolás López is known in the last hours, after Esteban Rojas filmmaker and former employee of the López production company, accuses him of bad treatments at his place of work.

By a public statement on Facebook, the professional accused the director of having humiliated and psychologically harbaded him for three years.

"I testify that Nicolás López is an aggressor" began. "He abused me psychologically for years, leaving scars and after-effects that took a long time to heal."

According to him, between 1999 and 2002 he worked with López in the Sobras production company, where he was constantly insulted. .

"He was so amused at making fun of me that he even gave me a pseudonym, " Papitas ", since according to him I was reminding him of a ugly and misshapen potato "", he condemned.

Rojas says that the director insulted him every day saying "Papitas, hueón fool", "Papitas, bading el hueón virgin", "provincial of mierda "or" Papa culiá ] "I remember like once after having bad with his girlfriend in the office, while me and other collaborators were working in the adjacent room, went out with his bads in the air to prove to others that he had really had bad, "writes Rojas.

According to Rojas, he decided to publish his complaint for" try to dispel the doubts that anyone could have about his guilt in accusations of badual abuse. and the work that the current tries to fight. "

" There is no doubt that this human being is guilty. I heard the testimony of Andrea Velasco 5 years ago when she told me the same thing. I do not know the other victims but I sympathize with them and I appreciate that there are brave women like them, "he said.

" Thanks to his courage , very soon we will be able to change the dark paradigm that prevails today, where horrible human beings like Nicolás López can unleash their cruelty and be rewarded for it "he explained. [19659002] "And there will never be true repentance in him. I knew him well and I know he's always been, is and will be a horrible person. "


His words had an impact on social networks, where even actress Blanca Lewin gave her support." You never wanted to tell me why they told you "Papitas". I did not know who was the author of the nickname. For me, it was a good way to talk to you. You said "aunt" (maybe to get me old, but I never misunderstood, I understood the joke from where it came from) and I went back to "Papitas" because that 's it. was your name and yes because you were young, "he badured

" From now on there are no more popes. Esteban forever. Hug. Talented, brave and with a big heart. "

BioBioChile contacted Rojas, who preferred not to comment further.

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