Actress denouncing the abuse of Nicolás López: "Everything that happened does not appear in the magazine" | Society


The denunciations of badual abuse and harbadment of work perpetrated by eight women against the director Nicolás López continue to move and open new edges

This time, actress Lucy Cominetti ] – one of those who testified before Sábado magazine – referred to the facts on his behalf Instagram where he confesses that "this was one of the most difficult that I took in the last time, but I have the internal certainty that it is what I had to do, for me and for all of us. "

" All that happened does not appear in the magazine and I prefer not to go into more details of a public way, "he writes.

Cominetti stated that " for years I thought that it had happened to me alone I felt very lonely and scared." ] I decided to bury it, bury what I had lived to be able to move forward When I knew I was not the only one, I felt that I could not shut up. That my silence would only help to continue to happen. And no, I can not afford it. I could not live quietly. "

" There will be people who will judge, another who will understand us. That's part of that and I'm paying for it, but I firmly believe that it is important to stop normalizing situations that are not . And if a woman feels that she is not alone and dares to talk, it will all have been worth it, "he concludes.

Cominetti writes a day after Nicolás López uploads a video on YouTube where he pointed out that "I could have been a fool and a fool, but abuser I am not . "

About @revista_sabado report: This was one of the most difficult decisions I made last time, but I have the internal certainty that it is what I had to do, for me and for all of us, everything that happened did not appear in the magazine and I prefer not to go into more details in a public way. That only happened to me, I felt very lonely and scared, so I decided to bury it, bury what I had lived for to be able to advance, and when I knew that I was not alone, I felt that I could not shut up. to continue to happen, and no, I can not p I could not live quietly. There will be people who will judge, another who will understand us. This is part of it and I will bear the costs, but I firmly believe that it is important to stop normalizing situations that are not. And if a woman feels that she is no longer alone and dares to speak, all this will have been worth it. Thanks to the other complainants for their courage, at @revista_sabado, @paralaconfianza Foundation who has given us their support, to my family and friends who are always there, to the colleagues who wrote to me and to all those who without knowing myself I have personally received a message of support.

A shared publication by Lucy Cominetti (@lucycominetti) on [2juillet1990] July 2, 2018 at 9:29 AM PDT

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