New Academy in Sweden protests with Nobel literature version


According to the document published by the new institution, the measure is an emerging solution, after the decision for the first time in nearly seven decades of the Swedish letters entity.

In his statement, remember that literature and culture promote democracy, transparency, empathy and respect, leaving aside privileges, prejudices, arrogance and badism ", they claim.

To achieve an organized process, the new Academy will follow its own rules, between which highlights the nomination of authors from all over the world who have written at least two books and published at the During the last decade, the maximum prize will be awarded at an official ceremony on December 10, and a day later, the emerging institution will be dissolved.

The Swedish Academy has been founded in 1786 by King Gustav III of Sweden, to promote use of the language of this country

Last May was announced the suspension of this award due to a bad abuse scandal that incriminated, in the majority, the powerful intellectual French Jean-Claude Arnault

The product of this event, a group of members decided to resign to leave the institution in a period of recovery that now aims to restore public confidence.

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