Chilean will be nationalized and wants to play in La Roja


In an interview with As, the Ecuadorian says that he will start the process to become Chilean, after turning 21 (which prevents him from continuing in the U 19 ) and the five of residence in Chile. "In this country, they have treated me very well," he says.

Omar Carabalí, Ecuadorian Cadet goalkeeper Colo Colo, is one of the promises of the team . It was an important factor for the Cacique sub 19 to speak in 2017, but in age he could not continue in the division.

He was 21 on June 12, and his goal is to continue to Macul. For this, and in an interview with As Chile, he will initiate the procedures for Chilean nationalization.

"In this country they treated me very well, I have my daughter who was born here and there are several other points that led me to make this decision" says the Ecuadorian portal As. He also adds that "will be very useful for playing Chile without the quota of foreigners".

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According to the Department of Immigration, nationalization may be granted to those who have reached the age of 18 and who have 5 years or more of residence in Chile (as of the first stamped visa), and that at the same time are holders of the Permanent Permanence . Requirements that Carabalí, account, already has in hand for the procedures. "I have already collected my documents to obtain nationality, so I should not have any problems, I should deliver them and wait for them to call me for an interview" says As.

He is asked if he can fight for a Colo Colo owner position, considering that he arrived in 2013 when Tapia was in the downs, Carabalí trusted his abilities. "When you have the procedure, everything will be different, becoming a carrier would be a dream but Hector does not influence," he says. And he adds that it will not be a factor "when I have to win a space."

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And to achieve nationalization, plays for the Red? Carabalí responds to Like Chile that "I would like, it's something I thought for a long time, it would be a dream, right now that Reinaldo Rueda is looking for & Archers ". This, although he was in the Ecuadorian national team under 20, but did not add minutes "neither in South America nor in the World Cup, so that I can play for Chile " adds Carabalí to Ace. According to the FIFA Statutes, "a player may exercise the right to change the badociation only if he has not played in an international match of an official competition representing the badociation in which he is ". Something that Carabalí accomplishes too.

Photo: Sebastián Órdenes / Colo Colo.

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