The works of Beyoncé and Jay-Z at the Louvre are already a tourist attraction | who


The Louvre Museum in Paris offers visitors to admire the masterpieces of the clip "Apeshit" Jay-Z and Beyoncé, seen 55 million times on the Internet

The clip of the song "APE ** ST" was secretly filmed in the museum and broadcast at the same time as the star couple R & B and rap announced by surprise in mid-June a new album "Everything is love "

The film opens with the Carter couple posing in front of La Gioconda and continues with a choreography of dancers in front of" The Consecration of Napoleon ". Among the 17 works presented, there is also "Las Bodas de Cana" by Veronese and "La balsa de la Méduse" by Géricault.

The route, according to the Louvre, lasts an hour and 30 minutes.

Although the museum refused to disclose the amount paid by Beyoncé and Jay-Z for recording in its theaters, the video clip became an excellent means of communication for the institution, which wants to get more widespread among young people.

The former Black Eyed Peas singer had also filmed a video clip in 2010, "Mona Lisa Smile", at the Louvre. His itinerary is available on the museum's website, which offers a total of 45 thematic itineraries, including one on the hit novel "The Da Vinci Code".

VIDEO: How much did Beyoncé and Jay-Z pay to rent the Louvre Museum?

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