Karol Lucero is accused of having mounted a scene of jealousy in the discotheque


They say that he even went to his ex's apartment to testify.

Once the taste of the end is over, Karol Lucero makes news for his loves, as he did in the last time.

This Tuesday in Intruders claimed that the panelist would have set up a scene of jealousy in a disco where I was working as a DJ.

The former radio presenter was accompanied by his girlfriend, model Yadranka Tomic, but when she saw that Maria Francisca Virgilio was also with a group of friends, she approached D & ## She asked her what she was doing.

In the entertainment program, they badured that Karol went to the Virgilio table twice. But the show continued, as Claudia Schmitd said that former Yingo went to the promoter's department to declare his love.


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