Paz Bascuñán in business after charges of harassment against Abreu and López


Paz Bascuñán is having trouble. The actress was the muse of Nicolás López and Herval Abreau, but this ceased to be after badual harbadment charges against the directors.

After Lopez's accusations, Bascuñán exploded and he gave up. This Tuesday morning "CHV morning", the reporter Andrés Caniulef badured that the actress would have resigned at Channel 13. However, from the private signal communications, they badured that the l? Contract interpreter until the end August 19 this year and its abandonment would involve millions of fines.

" Paz Bascuñán unfortunately had to put aside direct communication with the media but nearby they confirmed that he is very Affected by the question of Herval Abreu, but doubly struck by that Nicolás López with whom he has a friendship, proximity " Caniulef said in the morning of Chilevisión

Then he added" According to official information, his advisers and his publicists mainly say that he has a contract in force until the end of August with Cbad 13. Until now, at least the offer to be part from the television series Channel 13 (the evening). However, it is to be seen (…) because it would have a deadline and its participation would not be confirmed, in the next dramatic production in Channel 13. "

Paz Bascuñán worked directly t with Herval Abreu in "Soltera otra vez", while she also played in several films of Nicolás López, that adds to the fact that her husband, Miguel Asensio, is a partner and producer of Sobras, production company López, who resigned this weekend.

Ramón Llao before accusations against Nicolás López: "I am not a participant in public lynching"

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