Statistics show Neymar


Neymar spent 14 minutes on the field during the World Cup

One of the images of this World Cup is the presence of Neymar who turns on the ground after being kicked.

The Brazilian's exaggeration sparked a lot of controversy over his performances and an badysis of Swiss television shows his tips on the ground.

The RTS Sports channel conducted an badysis on the above, which showed that the PSG player spent 14 minutes on the turf, and that despite his style of play, the time is much more than a footballer should not have like Neymar.

It should be noted that the Brazilian recorded five minutes on the field during the match before the Mexican national team, where he also received several strokes and an alleged badault on the ankle of Miguel Layún.

Neymar has received 23 fouls throughout the 2018 World Cup in Russia, in the absence of what he can Umar in the duel against Belgium, and to stay with the win, in the matches that could come for him.

Beyond the two goals that sum and a good performance that had the skilled Brazilian, his exaggerations gave worldwide and many rivals were upset by his actions.

To criticize him for protecting him

Once critical of the theater of Neymar, the technician of Brazil Tite now defends the behavior of the star of the team.

"Winning or losing is part of the game," said Tite in 2012 after leading the Corinthians in a match against Neymar Santos. "But pretending and trying to enjoy it, that's not part of the game. It's a bad example for a child, for my son, for those who see this and think that it's good to take advantage of others. "

Neymar had been accused of simulating an injury in a game and the video with critics Tite was widely seen.

Mexico coach Juan Carlos Osorio criticized Neymar – not to mention by name – after the Brazilian striker was agitated by apparent agony when Miguel Layun stepped on his ankle.

"It's a great shame for football to miss so much time with a player," said Osorio. "It must be a game of men and not so much of a clown."

Neymar was questioned about Osorio's comment, but was interrupted by Titus before responding at the press conference. The coach said that hierarchies should be respected. He said that only the coaches had to answer to other colleagues and that the players were the same.

Neymar was defended by many in Brazil, mostly because he played well and contributed to the team's success in the World Cup

a lot of criticism, "said Neymar after the match against Mexico. "Do not rent it sometimes because it can affect a player's head. I just need to play football, help my team mates and my team. That's why I'm here. I came here to win. "

Tite was not the first coach to criticize Neymar in Brazil

Rene Simoes, who led several Brazilian clubs, did not spare the words when a very young Neymar went crazy at Inside the court because he had not been allowed to hit a penalty for Santos in 2010.

Teasing the screen

Teasing on Neymar's exaggerations did not happen. stop in South Africa, a chain that sells fried chicken, has made an advertisement that shows a football match, in which one of the players gets a foul and, after that, starts to show a lot of pain, then turns on the ground until the exit of the property.Then, still in a circle on the ground, it crosses the streets of the city, until it arrives at the Establishment and receiving a bucket of chicken

Tuits about Neymar



L Brazil was the second team of almost all. Neymar changed the system. He is always first on the list, but in the list of favorites to eliminate.

Miguel Peña

@ MiguelPena316

@neymarjr as a player you do not like me, but as an actor you are one of the best, when you take his Retirement football, you will be a tvnovelas actor

Roberto Espinoza


Thank you for not sending me more photos or videos of Neymar's performances. My mobile has already been deleted three times … Thanks!

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