Herrera for Bravo: "The best must be in the national team"


The goalkeeper of the University of Chile Johnny Herrera spoke of the present of the national team, giving his opinion on the situation that still exists today Claudio Bravo away from the calls from the coach Reinaldo Rueda . " The truth is I do not know if (Bravo) will come back, but my thought is that the best players in the country should be in the lineup I do not know what's going to happen, but I say only that "he said.

On s? He feels able to 37 to continue to defend the portico of La Roja, as he did it was the "Halcón de Viluco", the objective ensured that "[19459009IthinksoIfeelsupergood "

" Now I have to focus on my team to have the Selection level.If they call me later, I am happy "adds the captain of the Blues.

Finally, he gives his impression on the Copa America 2019 expressing that he expects to " the same importance as in the last editions.We must dream of the tricampeonato In one hundred years we did not dream of a title and we were twice champions . "" Today, no one thinks that we can be three times champions, but the base is and we have a extraordinary technical body, very human.If you are going to participate, you must fight.It is the slogan of this generation ", closed in dialogue with CDF

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