Luka Modric and Ivan Rakitic: painful past, with marks of Croatian war and football – 07/08/2018


Can not believe in Croatia and its dream to settle in memory when it is a selection that beats with a heart pumped by two men who bear ultra-heavy stories . If they knew how to advance in life by overcoming much more transcendent setbacks than any diversion caused by this sensational ball game, how can we expect an additional feat from these two partners? ideals who left behind the clbadic Real Madrid – Barcelona, ​​who plays in the Spanish league, to realize the dream of Croatia in this European World Cup? It is worth betting more than ever for Luka Modric and Ivan Rakitic

More or less, both have a mark of war on the skin and the soul . A year after Italy 90 and the exploits of Diego Maradona with an ankle to misery, with only six birthdays in mind, Modric began to escape the firing and bombing of the War of Independence with his parents and his grandfather

The disintegration of the former Yugoslavia began the war of Serbia against Croatia, Bosnia and the Kosovo. Until the day when the Serb nationalists found in one of the refuges a group that they considered rebellious. There, among many Croats, were the Modric and, 19459003 in front of their eyes, of which today is a figure of the World Cup, they killed seven of them, of which l & # 39; one was Luka's grandfather . 19659002] In these times of horror, blood and death, so that reality affects him as little as possible, amused Luka with a football . A special love is born. Of course, to reinforce this unique relationship between Modric and the ride, we had to overcome obstacles. They rejected him in different clubs because of his physique: the small size and thin frame did not fit the European stereotype. However, at the age of 16, they opened the door to Dinamo Zagreb, a decade later from these war images that he will never forget but that in no conversation of news he never wanted to revise

Rakitic did not suffer before him any murder of a loved one in this conflict in the Balkans, but if he was born in the Swiss city of Möhlin it was because his parents had left Croatia fleeing the war . He is the son of a Croatian and a Serb.

Long before wisely choosing what to do with each ball and when and where to go out to cut or support, Rakitic had to choose which selection to play for . He had already done it for Switzerland, but in the end he was wearing Croatia's jersey forever. And now, here is this boy who loves to cook, who one day hangs on architecture, low profile

They were not satisfied with dancing and beating Argentina nor with winning the group. Modric and Rakitic continue to take Croatia by the hand and with a smile for this Russian adventure. Real Madrid reprinted his clbad, becoming the most valuable player chosen by FIFA in this colossal triumph that silenced Russia, with lengthening and penalties that he nurtured with his shot specific. 19659002] The Barcelona also knew how to impose in the development and leave his mark on the calm of different footballer nothing less than in the most transcendent moment, at the moment that he was defining the question untied at the same time the Croatian happiness and Russian Worry, in the prison which closed the series as it had occurred in the turn against Denmark. A decade later, Rakitic pays an account on hold. Nobody will now remember this decisive penalty that failed in Euro 2008 and that eliminated his Croatia when he was only 20 years old.

"We want more." We will not give up anything and we will play against England with all the enthusiasm and pbadion of Croatian football. We show that we can be surprised again. We are living a dream and it would be a price for this team to go even further, "Modric hopes.

" We do not want to put more pressure with the semi-final of 98. We want to continue doing our history, England is very strong, but if we improve some details … The World Cup is the largest ever, "dream Rakitic .. overcome the celebrities of this summer of 98 "src =" "data-big =" "data-small = "" observe = "" data-observer-function = "loadLazyImg" />

To attract possession of 65% of the ball that Croatia managed to control Russia in control of the game, Modric and Rakitic were crucial with nearly 200 added pbades between the two L & # The Madrid team scored 102 with an efficiency of 87.3% and that of Barcelona 89 with an accuracy of 89.9%.

Modric and Rakitic are appreciated in this strange and empty world of South Americans and without the performers who usually catch most flashes in the world of football. They are complete midfielders, accustomed to everything, perhaps favored by these painful signals that have marked their lives and which now serve them not to flinch even in the hottest situations that this game offers.

A Modric and Rakitic is appreciated and admired. And also think of the national team and our football causes desire : one of the challenges is to recreate midfielders like them.

Moscow. Special envoy.

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