Nicolás López's criticized lawyer explains why she agreed to defend him after accusations | TV and show


A few hours after the publication of a full report in Saturday's magazine, where eight women denounce the filmmaker Nicolás López of badual abuse and work, his lawyer Paula Vial sent a press release saying that they were badyzing lawsuits to defend López's honor.

From that moment, the lawyer became a heavily criticized figure for accepting a case like this, and at the same time she called herself a feminist on her Twitter account.

Vial met López two days before the appearance of the article commented. C & # 39; s is the head of strategic communication Imaginacción, Claudia Miralles, who put them in contact.

According to La Tercera, after a meeting where the director told his version of the facts and showed evidence that allegedly dismissed the allegations against him, Vial decided to go ahead and represent him .

"What he showed us, the tests that I saw made me think that his story was solid, that made me understand a lot. he told me, what he showed me and, well, I believed him.And as I thought, I thought that he was good to defend it, "he said in an interview to the national newspaper, where a journalist from Imaginacción was also present.

"I believe that he's not an aggressor." As he says himself, he may have been a fool, a fool, but it's not a crime And me, as a criminal lawyer, I strove to prove that his conduct did not constitute a crime .It is what we do when we defend ourselves. "[19659007] Do you believe in the victims?

After being questioned about her faith in the victims' testimonies, the professional badured that "as they are reported in this report" Of course, they would appear to be a crime, but we have the evidence that is not the case. And that generates my conviction. "

" The prosecution has opened an investigation and until today (Friday) none of them has denounced. What strikes me in this case is that, according to the same report, they had legal advice from the beginning, so I do not understand why they did not indicate where they should be " he claimed.

Also, according to Vial, the statement where they talk about possible legal actions, it was not a form of intimidation for the victims. "The problem is that there is no precedent, there is evidence that contradicts these testimonials, some of them are false, we do not intimidate. What I think is a problem is where they choose to complain " he condemned

For the professional, a journalistic publication" is a place that exposes it (to Nicolás López ), that is,, is a place where if its purpose was to destroy its image, it is a goal clearly achieved.And it is much easier to do in a story. This causes a problem in the defense, the guarantees of any accused are affected, because it is destroyed by communication and that there is not much return.There was a public lynching, a sort of public catharsis in which he is syndicated as the epitome of abuse, it's absurd I'm a feminist activist, but I'm also a d defender and commune with the principles of & # 39; s and a & # 39; other.


The lawyer was also consulted if she "believes that you can be a feminist and defend a person accused of abuse", against which she badured that this believed absolutely

"In this case, if I did not believe Nicolás, I would not have taken the case, but I believe in its history and it seems important to me, in the world of feminism, to establish certain norms in relation to the denunciations and in the space where they are made " he said.

" I feel very much what women who appear in the report may have felt compared to Nicolás, but I am moving into the world of evidence and that is why it seemed to me important to take this defense. I do not think that justice or respect for women's rights can be built on the basis of false accusations and I think that situations like this, where we have badyzed evidence that says otherwise of what some have said, they are doing a disservice to real cases, "he explained.

On criticism in social networks, said that he was treated with a lot of machismo for not respect that women, is a lawyer and criminal.

"My feminist activism was questioned, which is real and profound, because that's my way of seeing life, and I've seen questions against me that I had never seen compared to men in cases of high public connotation. He said:

"I am a feminist, I think I can change the structure of the world, the spaces of authority, of power, of decision. I fought for that, so there is a balance. And I think it's consistent to believe in this deep feminism and also to believe in the right to defense, to the presumption of innocence and to be respected in my advocacy role. "

You can read the full interview here

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