Russia 2018: Karim Benzema expresses after the consecration of France at the 2018 World Cup | Sports


Karim Benzema was no stranger to obtaining the 2018 Russia World Cup in France, he beat Croatia 4 to 2 and spoke on his social networks with a surprising message.

The Real Madrid striker, who wears more than two years without playing with "Les Bleus", used his Twitter account to congratulate Didier Deschamps' team.

YOU CAN SEE The affectionate congratulations of the President of Croatia to Luka Modric [VIDEO]

"Congratulations, guys, bravo, World Champions!", Released Benzema. In short, but energetic. Your message so far has almost 6,000 retweets and a little over 16,000 "Like".

Well done guys ? #championsdumonde ?

– Karim Benzema (@Benzema) July 15, 2018

Karim Benzema He is not international with his team since October 8, 2015 when he participated in a friendly match against Armenia. On this occasion, the Gauls won 4-0 and the & # 39; Cat & # 39; scored a double. A month later, it was set aside by the "Valbuena Case".

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