The millionaire case for which Luis Miguel does not confirm the death of his mother


It was the year 1986. Luis Miguel was in one of the best moments of his career. On tour in Latin America, the singer said goodbye to his mother in Argentina, after a surprise trip to attend the show that he gave to Luna Park . The details of the last meeting, until now secret, were revealed in the last chapter of the first season of his autobiographical series ; the same in which it implies that it was Luis Rey who ordered the murder of Marcela Basteri . Why he refuses to confirm the death of his mother

  Family postcard: Marcela, Luis Miguel, Alex and Luis Rey. "Data-height =" 371 "data-size =" w: 1000, h: 600 "data-width =" 619 "hspace =" 5 "src =" bigbang / img / 2018/07/16 / cancixn-that-the-dedicx-luis-miguel-a-su-mamx.jpg_218879400.jpg "title =" Family postcard: Marcela, Luis Miguel, Alex and Luis Rey. "vspace =" 5 "/>

Family postcard: Marcela, Luis Miguel, Alex and Luis Rey.<br />
<p>  The years pbaded until <strong> Luis Miguel </strong> stopped lying when they asked him what was his relationship with his mother. <span style= In the beginning, whenever he was consulted on the role he had played in his life Marcela the singer apologized that his career took a long time and he regretted not being able to share as much time with his family as he wanted

  The last meeting: Luis Miguel saw his mother in Argentina for the last time. "Data-height =" 344 "data-size =" w: 790, h: 440 "data-width =" 619 "hspace =" 5 "src =" bigbang / img / 2018/07/16 / marcela_basteri_1_jpg_525981578.jpg_135762510.jpg "title =" The last meeting: Luis Miguel saw his mother in Argentina for the last time. "Vspace =" 5 "/>

The last meeting: Luis Miguel saw his mother for the last time in Argentina.<br />
<h4><span style=[Spoiler alert] You can not leave us like this: what happened to the mother of Luis Miguel according to the last chapter?

But that was not the truth. While he was cold and even elusive in his live interviews, the singer was starting a strong investigation – which included the hiring of the Mossad services, the l? an Israeli intelligence agencies – to find the location of Marcela . Until then, she had only the story of her father, Luis Rey who was the only one to see her alive.

  Marcela Basteri disappeared in 1986 after accepting a meeting with Luis Rey in Spain.
Marcela Basteri disappeared in 1986 after agreeing to meet Luis Rey in Spain.
Initially, told his older children that his mother had run away with an Italian lover and that she did not want to be wanted . The suspicions of the brothers increased when, after traveling to Italy, they confirmed that the alleged lover of Marcela was not only dead, but had never had any relationship with him. she.

  Luis Rey died in 1992 and, according to Luis Miguel, he took the secret of the grave.
Luis Rey died in 1992 and, according to Luis Miguel, he took the secret of the grave.

Luis Miguel in trouble for "his version" of how his daughter was born and how he lied live

In the middle, different versions were approaching Luis Miguel . That of the alleged hospitalization in a Spanish psychiatric hospital after a deep depression postpartum after the birth of Sergio was one of the strongest. But she was abandoned almost immediately: the woman of the hospice was not Marcela

[Marcela's family believes that Luis Rey murdered him because he wanted to leave him. "Data-height =" 343 "data -size =" w: 900, h: 500 "data-width =" 619 "hspace =" 5 "src =" bigbang / img / 2018/07/16 /rs_900x500-180618110242-luis-rey-suegra-desenmascara-ok_jpg_imgo.jpg_134838989.jpg "title =" Marcela's family believes that Luis Rey has murdered him because she wanted to leave him. "vspace =" 5 "/>
Marcela's family believes that Luis Rey murdered her because she wanted to leave him.

Although in the series Luis Miguel recapitulates the death of his father and positions it as the moment when he knows what happened with Marcela the truth is from the environment of the singer that they reject this scenario. Indeed, they badure that the Mexican did not just talk to his father – who was admitted to Spain urgently while his son was on tour in Paraguay – but did not attend his funeral.

  The absence of Marcela helped Luis Miguel in his career, according to a market study.
The absence of Marcela helped Luis Miguel in his career, according to a market study.

The bitter interview in which the daughter of Luismi claimed his name and compared it to Luisito Rey

However, the memory of the "Sun" about what happened in December 1992 is another. In the last chapter of the last season of his series, the singer reports of a last and fierce arrest to his father minutes before dying of pneumonia, potentiated by a disease "of bad reputation "-as it happens to understand in the bio, that it could be AIDS.

The last conversation with Luis Rey, according to Luis Miguel

LM: "Where is my mother?".

LR: "He left, Micky, he left."

LM: "Why do you refuse me something that I know you know, do you know how bad it is to me?"

LR: "Pussy, Micky, you already know where it is.

LM: "Son of a bitch."

The chapter continues. According to Luis Miguel is its director the Argentine Hugo López, who consoles him a few minutes after the death of his father and gives him the report of Mossad . "I thought your father would tell you." But what does this report say? What has the singer known for at least 26 years about the disappearance of his mother? Why does he still deny his death in public?

  It is from 2003 that the singer began to talk about the disappearance of his mother.
It is from 2003 that the singer begins to talk about the disappearance of his mother.

"Some of us had access to real information, just like him.I met the Argentinian family of Luis Miguel and it seems legitimate that it was not possible to find any information. they have a thread of hope, but I do not think it will ever appear. Marcela is dead, absolutely and definitively.This is fundamental to understand the history of Luis Miguel The details are scabrous, although the body never appeared, "revealed Javier León Herrera authorized biographer of" El Sol de México ".

  Luis Miguel does not do not talk to his younger brother Sergio
Luis Miguel does not speak to his younger brother, Sergio.

The poignant story of Sergio, poor brother and relegated Luis Miguel

So why Luis Miguel continues to talk about his mother as a missing woman when he knows that he is dead? That was in 2003 when he turned 33 – the name he gave to the record he released at that time – spoke for the first time of the lack from his mother and no longer made his career an excuse.

Marcela's last meeting with Luis Miguel was in Argentina

"What would you like to receive for Christmas?" The journalist asked him Adal Ramones in his cycle Another Roll . It was one of the interviews with which Luis Miguel bet on the promotion of his latest album. "Go back to see my mother, but that would be the gift of my life.This would help me a lot, my soul, my mind, my job, my things;" he answered me: "Returning to see my mother would be the gift of my life."

It was at this time that director of the singer He conducted a "market study" to see what his fans thought of the disappearance of Marcela . "His manager told me that at the time they had done a market study to see where he was. It turns out that this point makes him vulnerable and that women are awakened by the maternal side, "recalled the Mexican journalist Víctor Hugo Sánchez

One of the last times that he made public reference was in 2008, when he was an interview with a Mexican radio station. "Have you managed to have contact with her?", Asks the host Maria Elena Salinas . "No, unfortunately," he answers honestly .

  Luis Miguel chose a series to talk about what happened to Marcela for the first time.
Luis Miguel chose a series to talk for the first time about what happened with Marcela.

To the surprise of many, Luis Miguel continued to talk about the subject. "It's one of the things that hurts me the most and it's one of the things that are still outstanding. It's something I will be able to overcome at that time, but it was not possible, it is very difficult, a mother will always be a mother " he added.

Luis Miguel did not talk about the disappearance of his mother

His answer included a brief failure, in which one almost recognizes "no longer have him". However, the singer was corrected immediately and chose to continue to support the scenario of "unexplainable absence". "Above all for those who do not have one (we have more), we do not count on their presence, we do not have this love and love, we give it even more value" added

Strategy or not, Luis Miguel never spoke honestly of what had happened to his mother, even though his authorized biographer had confirmed before the beginning of the series that the singer knew he had died . Will he reveal it in the second season of his series? This is the great question of his disciples, who were surprised at the opening of the cousin who, of course, was a great unspoken protagonist

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