Declared transferable to Arturo Vidal


With the World Cup finalized and France as the best team on the planet, the European transfer market is starting to move strongly. The first to take the step was Cristiano Ronaldo with his millionaire transfer from Real Madrid to Juventus.

And it is here that Arturo Vidal begins to take on importance for the media Presses and fans, for which this Thursday his name began to haunt with force in the social networks. So much so, that it has become a hot topic for what could happen to it in the future.

Everything after the German newspaper Bild indicated it as "transferable" by Bayern Munich and large Europeans appear as a possibility of having them in their ranks.

The media of different parts of the world echoed this, since Arsenal, Manchester United, Napoli and Atlético de Madrid are some of Chile's signing candidates.

High level of interest by the former Colo Colo who was made heavily ring by social networks, giving way to a tree full of possibilities when he decided to leave Munich because he has entered its last stage of the contract with Bayern, and it would be the last chance of a cashier with the Chilean pbad, who could then negotiate as a free player.

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