Strong discussion between the technical organizations of Palestino and U. Concepción: blows were offered | Soccer


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Daniel Pino Escobar | UNO Agency

A curious fact occurred yesterday in the match between Universidad de Concepción and Palestino when the technical bodies of both cast faced cries and They even offered blows .

Everything happened after the criminal offense of Julian Fernandez to Jean Paul Pineda. The midfielder of 'Tino Tino & # 39; put his arm in the face of the attacker and the referee Roberto Tobar took the maximum penalty and showed the yellow player

From the bench of & # 39; Campanil & # 39; they asked, which bothered the coach of the Arab team Sebastián Méndez. This produced a discussion between the & # 39; Gallego & # 39; and the technical badistant of the local team, Pablo Lenci .

"When you want and where you want" Mendez told him at one point His compatriot

Francisco Bozán barely participated in this crossword puzzle, but when is tired, he threw a "punch" at his colleague from Palestino

The video of this discussion was captured by the cameras of the CDF. You can see it by entering the following link:

Recall that the Universidad de Concepción beat Palestino 3-2 and momentarily reached the point of the National Championship.

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