Barrios y Paredes gave the victory to Colo Colo »PrensaFútbol


Saturday, July 21st, 2018


Although the & # 39; Cacique & # 39; had an opaque match during his visit to La Calera in Sausalito, the team of Hector Tapia has achieved a valuable 2-1 win over the hand of the number of his two gunners. By the way, captain albo has reached 204 points and 11 record of 'Chamaco & # 39; Valdés.

By Rodrigo Guajardo Baeza | @Guaja_

Due to his career and quality, the duo of Lucas Barrios and Esteban Paredes delighted the fans of Colo Colo. And in their first official match together after nine years, the Gunners gave reason to their fans, who both scored and gave Colo Colo the 2-1 win over Union La Calera.

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But this It was not an easy match for the casting of Hector Tapia, who was offended by the break for the 2018 World Cup, showed that he was coming out of an offseason, which has rendered the & # 39; Cacique & # 39; slow, unsurprising and totally inaccurate.

This helped the albos to form a midfield with three containment flyers (Pavez, Carmona and Baeza), the captain was responsible for the production of football. On the other hand, the & quot; cementeros & # 39; showed an involution of the first round and felt too much the departure of Brian Fernandez.

Despite possession, the Chilean champion did not create a lot of goal options and was only worried about a shot ahead. the Paredes Cross (35)), as well as other arrivals from Barrios (58)) and Opazo (71)). The entry of Jaime Valdés allowed the & # 39; 7 & # 39; to attack and form a pair with the & # 39;, which gave immediate results.

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<p>  Seven minutes later, Paredes appeared, who with a left-hand goal decreed 2-0, reached 14 goals in the tournament and completed 204 goals in Chilean football, with what was only 11 record wins history of & # 39; Chamaco & # 39; Valdés. </p>
<p>  In discounts Fernando Saavedra (90 + 2) enjoyed a deconcentration alba and put the final 1-2. In a complicated and dull game, Colo Colo was able to get ahead thanks to his powerful offensive and showed that he still had a lot to improve. A triumph that left him 27 units, while La Calera was left with his 31 points. </p>
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