Gala Caldirola returns to worry its followers for extreme thinness | TV and show


A year ago Gala Caldirola hit social networks by uploading a photo where she looked extremely thin. At that time, many wondered if she had any health problems that made her lose weight so quickly.

A few months later, she announces that she is pregnant with her first daughter and recovers her figure. Little Luz Elif has nowadays five months, and his mother has again turned on the alarms of his fans.

And did the Spanish model publish several photos of her in a swimsuit, drawing attention to her slim figure which is even noticeable on her face.

In the comments of each of the publications, his followers showed him his concern for his physique and what he plans with him.

Recall that Gala Caldirola became known in Chile after participating in the reality show Would you return with your ex?

However, before arriving in the country and She was known in Spain, where she suffered a road accident that changed her life and her face.

"She was in the town of Badajoz with her ex boyfriend Alberto Santana and she came across a stag on the way.The car turned and she, who was not driving but sat, fired through the window " his mother, Elena Rodríguez, told Las Últimas Noticias a moment ago.

who was then 20 years old, had to undergo several reconstructive surgeries, which left him very different. "Because of this, he was about to lose his eye and much of his face has titanium", Rodriguez added.


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