Instagram: "Guardians of the Galaxy" Support James Gunn in Letter | Trade | Lights | Cinema


While in fiction the film universe of Marvel has had serious problems because of Thanos, in real life the difficulties are different, although not minor; this by the dismissal of the director James Gunn to spread an old tweets in which he relates to child abuse. Today the actors of the saga " Guardians of the Galaxy " expressed their support in Instagram .

"We fully support James Gunn, we were all shocked by his brutal dismissal of the week and intentionally waited 10 days to respond in order to think, pray, listen and discuss. encouraged by the great support of fans and members of the media who wish to see James reinstated as director of Volume 3, as well as discouraged by those easily deceived into the belief in the many and strange conspiracy theories, "says a letter written by the cast and shared on their social media accounts, including Twitter and Instagram The text continues as follows:

"Being in the Movies of" 19459005 "Guardians of the Galaxy & # 39; has been a great honor in every one of our lives, we can not let this moment go by without expressing our love, support and gratis I love James. We are not here to defend their jokes from years ago but share our experience of having spent many years together on the set by doing " Guardians of the Galaxy & # 39; 1 and 2. The character that he showed the man who went every day on the set, and his apologies, years ago and years when he was referring to his words for the first time we believe that it is from the heart, a heart that we all know, trust and love. By selecting us for the tape, it allowed us to tell the story of marginalized people who find redemption. He changed our lives forever. We believe that the theme of redemption has never been as relevant as it is now. "

" Each of us hopes to be able to work with our friend James again in the future. His story is not over, not very far. "

" There is little due process in the court of public opinion and James will not be the last person to be judged, given the political division of this country. It can be argued that such situations will continue, even though we hope that Americans from all walks of life will be able to stop the "murders" of characters and stop using the mbad mentality as a weapon.

"We hope that what has happened will serve as an example for all of us who understand the enormous responsibility we have for ourselves and for others in the use of our written words as we record them." in the digital stone; that as a society we can learn from this experience and, in the future, we will think twice before deciding what we want to express; and in this we can learn to use this ability to help and heal instead of hurting one another. Thank you for taking the time to read our words. "

Signed by all of the actors of" Guardians of the Galaxy ", the letter received more than 500,000 mentions I like about Instagram as well as thousands of comments, some in favor and others against James Gunn, who, in the previous days, only justified his messages by jokes.Disney, it is worth noting, decided to take his distances as soon as possible.


For the moment, it is not known what will happen to the " Guardians of the Galaxy announced" ", the first of which was planned for 2020. [19659010] Guardians of the Galaxy ” title = “Gardiens de la Galaxie” src = “” style = “affichage: inline;” />

VIDEO: trailer for "Guardians of the Galaxy" 2 ". (Source: YouTube)

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