Anthony Kiedis of Red Hot Chili Peppers Loses "Papers" After Witnessing a Fight in the NBA | The lakers | Rockets | USA | Video | Shows


The singer of the band Red Hot Chili Peppers, Anthony Kiedis was the center of attention of the basketball match between the Lakers and the NBA Rockets. Last Saturday in the city of California

Anthony Kiedis known for his love of basketball in general and the Lakers in particular, went to the pavilion to attend the launch of his Lebron James team; however, the confrontation between some members of the team lost "the papers" and was expelled for making obscene gestures.

The singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers was upset by the fight that the players had organized and could no longer stand the attitude, action that forced him to get up from his seat to protest against this unsportsmanlike behavior.

Anthony Kiedis being in first place, crossed the path of Chris Paul, one of the players involved in the fight, abandoned. the court after being deported. The singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers faces him and does not hesitate to make rude gestures to the staff of the Houston team.

Meanwhile, his band member, bbadist Flea, has witnessed all the moments of sitting tension without flinching. , a behavior that attracted the attention of some participants at the important meeting of the NBA

Controversial video of the singer of Red Hot Chili Peppers

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