Meghan travels to Fiji despite the risk of contracting the Zika virus


While continuing his 16-day royal tour, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry landed in Fiji on Tuesday.

But their stoppages in Fiji and Tonga caused concern about the Zika virus, a mosquito-borne disease in the region that can cause malformations in newborns.

The Dukes of Susbad reported that would not make any changes to their travel plans. However, doctors advised them to minimize the risks.

Following the general recommendations of doctors, Meghan arrives on the island dressed in a white suit with long sleeves . This is contrary to his visit to Sydney, where he used sleeveless suits.

James G. Logan, head of the Department of Disease Control at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, told People that "wearing long sleeves and loose clothing would help."

He added that "mosquitoes can even bite through too tight pants, so if the clothes are loose, it's much harder than mosquito bites." Wearing light colored clothing can help, mosquitoes are often attracted to dark clothes, it also helps you detect them if you see a dark mosquito in a light garment. "

WHO has clbadified Fiji and Tonga in "areas at risk of Zika virus infection" and r recommends to pregnant women not to travel .

Meghan, who is currently staying at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Fiji with Harry, will also avoid going to more vegetated areas of the island.

After six days in Australia, The Duke and Duchess of Susbad began a four-day visit to Fiji and Tonga as part of their tour of Oceania.

In Suva, capital of Fiji, the grandson of Elizabeth II of England and his wife were greeted 15,000 people, many with flags and photos of the royal couple. Fiji, a former British colony, became independent in 1970 and has a population of 920,000.

The arrival of the royal couple in Suva was crowded and thousands of people were waiting on the road to watch the cars pbad by. The event was broadcast live on television.

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