The reaction of the Spanish press after the gaffes to Arturo Vidal – International Football


© Reuters   The reaction of the Spanish press after the gaffes inflicted on Arturo Vidal

The Chilean midfielder had received a hostile welcome as he entered the triumph of Barcelona against the Italian. Inter Milan in the Champions League. Tvn


A striking situation was experienced Arturo Vidal in the match between Barcelona and Inter Milan for Champions League . And it is that when he entered the court at the 77 minute to replace Arthur the gaffes supporters Barca present at Camp Nou were felt.

The incident did not go unnoticed, especially the Spanish press, which reacts to the harsh reception of the Chilean driver.

 The note with which they evaluated Arturo Vidal in Spain after the triumph of Barcelona

The note with which they evaluated Arturo Vidal in Spain after the triumph of Barcelona