After the conflict with his former partner, Luli publishes tender photos with his son


The controversial visit of Nicole Moreno to the star "Primer Plano" of Chilevisión, continues to give to talk because, in the program, he delivered his truth after his Brilliant break with Rodrigo Rocco personal trainer that he accused of having badaulted him.

Although at the beginning Luli was completely withdrawn, and without any intention to reveal further details about it, he ended up confirming that his son Francisco, who is 15 years old and his brother, beat his ex-partner after watching a video on his mobile phone, where Rodrigo was attacking him.

Read also: Rodrigo Rocco sends a hard message to Nicole Moreno: "I fought for something that was not worth it."

After that, the former queen of the Viña del Mar festival received a wave of criticism from social networks, especially for having continued to broadcast them. affectionate problems, as well as questioned about her role as a mother, because in the viralized discs on the Internet, her son confirmed the aggression against Rocco.

For this, and to leave aside the controversy, Nicole Moreno decided to take advantage of this day. Sunday with his son, with whom he visited the Bahá'í temple located in the Peñalolén district, taking some pictures with him.

But what attracted the attention of his fans, is that the model He disabled comments on his Instagram account, so that all suggests that he wants to turn the page. To do this, he shared several images showing that everything is fine with his son Francisco.

Look at the pictures below:

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