Angelo Henríquez will be absent for three weeks for the kickoff of the classic and it will not be an option for Rueda


  Angelo Henríquez will be absent for three weeks for the kickoff of the Clbadic and will not be an option for Rueda

The striker will not be able to be summoned to La Roja and will not participate no more at the U-side match against San Luis / image: Agencia UNO

  Angelo Henríquez will be absent for three weeks for the kickoff of the clbadic and it will not be an option for Rueda

When in the Universidad de Chile was pure good news after being put back to football and winning the clbadic The University, which allowed them to stay within four points of the head, was very penalizing: the injury of Angelo Henríquez. The striker received a miss from Benjamin Kuscevic during the match against the Catholic University who forced him to be replaced and this Tuesday, after medical examinations, he was confirmed that 39, it would remain three weeks before the start of the trial.

the club's doctor Fernando Radice suffered a muscular injury: "The trauma suffered by him during the match in front of the Catholic University at the height of the right hip – presents a complex muscle injury which compromises the sartorio and psoas iliaco In the best of scenarios, the recovery will be three weeks. "

Angelo Henríquez will not be able to participate in the match against San Luis for the National Championship , programmed. for October 10 in Quillota, and loses the option to quote by Reinaldo Rueda for the friendly match of La Roja the next match of FIFA against Honduras and Costa Rica [1945903] 0] scheduled respectively on October 16 and 20 at El Teniente de Rancagua and Germán Becker stadium in Temuco.

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