Kanye West says that he was "used" and kept away from politics


LOS ANGELES – The American rapper Kanye West said Tuesday on his Twitter account that he felt "used" and that he will move away from politics to devote himself entirely to his artistic career .

"My eyes are now fine I realize I'm used to broadcasting messages I do not believe in," the rapper wrote on his official Twitter account, which has 28.7 million followers.

"I will stand out from the He added.

West, a fundamental reference of American hip-hop, has recently attracted media attention in showing his support for US President Donald Trump

] This musician's support, criticized by many of his followers and by various voices of the entertainment world in the United States, reached its peak on October 11 when he visited the House. Blanche Gang Violence and Reform of the Prison System in the Country

In the presence of television cameras, West, wearing a red cap and marked with the slogan "Make America Great Again", referred to Trump as his " hero "and thanked him for making him feel like Superman".

"When I say to a progressive that I love Trump, they say," Oh, but it's racist. "Do you think racism can control me? No, it can not m & rsquo; To prevent, it's an invisible wall, "said the artist in an improvised and disconcerting monologue in the oval office.

Earlier, his wife, Kim Kardashian, also came to the White House to talk to Trump. on prisons and jail time in the United States.

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