What is "Blexit", the African-American movement against the Democratic Party with which Kanye West sympathizes


  Candace Owens

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Candace Owens is also the founder of "Blexit", director of communications for conservative defense group Turning Point USA.

"Hillary Clinton considers us" super predators "" And CNN sees us as "black objects that do not read", Donald Trump considers us Americans. "

Republican activist Candace Owens announced the creation of "Blexit", inviting African Americans to withdraw their support to the Democratic Party.

Inspired by the word "Brexit", the appellant appeared in the United Kingdom for the separation from the European Union: British (British) – exit (exit), Blexit is the contraction of the black exit or "black exit"

In the United States, Owens explained that Blexit's objective was: "Let the Blacks separate from the misconceptions that have somehow removed us from the rest of the United States . "

And this essentially translates into support for President Donald Trump and a halt to the vote for the Democratic Party, with which the African-American community has primarily identified.

] What Defends Blexit

In a speech last Saturday in Washington, Owens announced that "the Blexit Movement will hold rallies in 2019 in all major cities of the United States that the Democrats destroyed ".

" We are finally ready to grab a piece of that dream in the United States. "

https://twitter.com/TheOfficerTatum/status/1056292932323265536/photo/ 1

On the Blexit.com website, in addition to the sale of shirts and caps bearing the logo that Owens first declared to have been designed by Kanye West, then no, a section presents the "uncomfortable truths" against which Blexit seeks to fight, m ​​Some of them are facts Untested .

For example, it is said that the Ku Klux Klan was created by the Democratic Party and lynched not only by blacks but also by 1,297 white Republicans. 19659005] He also accuses the former American president of racism Lyndon B. Johnson, who pleaded for the electoral rights of African Americans, with a sentence that is given to him and who does not know with certainty it's good of its author: " I'm going to have these blacks voting democrat for 200 years . "

He also criticizes the demonstrators of different social mobilizations:

  • " They parade for the 17 people died at Parkland but remain silent for almost 500 people who died in Chicago this year "[19659024] "They parade for 2,000 illegal aliens separated from their children, but remain silent during the 900 black babies who abort each day. "

https://twitter.com/RealCandaceO/ status / 1056921709708824577 / photo / 1 html

" # BLEXIT Talks About Beautiful Stories Of Your Lots Of Blacks Who Have Awakened And The Possibilities of our future, as Americans. The press is trying to use Kanye's name to create dramas and more divisions, which is INCORRECT. "

Who is Candace Owens

Candace Owens, born 29 years ago in Stamford, Connecticut, was described by the newspaper The New York Times as" a sharp black conservative and young; A TV host and a murderous instinct that makes videos with headlines such as "How to escape from the Democratic plantation" and "The Left thinks blacks are stupid." "

Also, Owens compared Jay-Z and Beyoncé with slaves for supporting the Democratic Party and claims to be a strong supporter of Trump.

https://twitter.com/realcandaceo/status/982265732384763910?lang=en ]

" Are there any blacks who can not see Beyonce and Jay-Z working full time for P P Arturo Democrat ? These are living proof that no matter how much money you have, you can stay a slave ".

Owens abandoned his journalism studies at the University of Rhode Island in third year

In 2015, he launched a website called Degree180, which offers consulting services, a, production and planning, and where I had a blog where I wrote on various subjects, including politics.

Next, tried to create SocialAutopsy.com, a website that sought to reveal the fingerprint of stalkers on the Internet ] when publishing their identity and personal data.But the site has never seen light.

Many sectors of society have rejected it, arguing that it could become a public list of shame likely to encourage harbadment and retaliation. [1 9659005] Because of this, anonymous users have posted their personal data online. This attack earned him support from conservative and theoretical sectors of the far-right conspiracy and Trump supporters such as Milo Yiannopoulos and Mike Cernovich.

Shortly after this episode, on the YouTube channel The Rubin Report [ Owens said: "I became a Conservative overnight. […] I realized that the Liberals were actually racists. "

"The Spirit" of Kanye West

One of the most controversial issue of the release of Blexit was how far rapper Kanye West, considered a friend by Owens , was involved.

  Kanye West

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At first, it was said that rapper Kanye West had designed the Blexit logo, but the information was refuted afterwards.

"Blexit is a rebirth and I am lucky to say that this logo, these colors, were created by my dear friend and superhero, Kanye West "

This is that Owens said Saturday, but two days later on Monday he stated that it was not true that Kanye West was the designer of the movement's logo, but she simply asked him advice and recommended a designer

According to Owens, this designer, with political convictions different from hers, helped her create the letters she wore in Blexit hats and clothes.

"Ye is a world-renowned designer, and everyone who knows her asks her for advice on design […] The suggestion that Kanye is now the author of my political movement is clearly false and dishonest" Owens concluded.

The friendship between rapper Kanye West and Candace Owens became clear for the first time on April 21, when he showed his support through his Twitter account. "

https://twitter.com/kanyewest/status/987696355341553665 [19659005] " I like the way of thinking of Candace Owens. "

The affinity of the thought between Candace Owens and Kanye West is based on the fact that both defend the fact that we can be African-American and Republican.

We badume that we blacks should have a monolithic thought. can only be Democrats, "said West during his visit to the show by Jimmy Kimmel

. Kanye West wore a Make America Great Again cap and was surrounded by reporters.

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Kanye West ruthlessly praises Trump for a ten-minute monologue in his office, while the president silently observed him sitting behind his desk, both surrounded by a large number of journalists and photographers.

West did not attend the Blexit launch ceremony last Saturday at the Black Youth Leadership Summit of the conservative NGO Turning Point USA in Washington DC

Owens however claimed that the rapper was present "in spirit".

https: // www .instagram.com / p / BiPhamUgypj /? taken by = realcandaceowens

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