FIFA threatens to withdraw Peruvian football from international tournaments »PrensaFútbol


Monday, November 5, 2018


One of the most important elements of world football could sanction the Peruvian football by excluding it from international competitions. This would happen if the law on the reinforcement of the football was approved in the country and that the State would intervene in this sport.

The International Federation of Associated Football (FIFA) has threatened to suspend the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) if the law on the reinforcement of football is approved, under which the State would intervene in this sport. A subject that worries football fans in the neighboring country.

FIFA sent a letter to the Federation informing it that "on 26 September, the FIFA Federations' Committee became aware of this event". (hereinafter, the Commission) that the Congress of the Republic of Peru planned to revise or even amend the law only nine months after its approval. "

" Therefore, and given the importance of the law In order to carry out the statutory review process and then take the appropriate measures, the Commission decided (…) notify the FPF that, if the law were amended in violation of FIFA and Conmebol requirements, the file would be returned to the Bureau. to take the necessary measures in accordance with the FIFA Statutes, including the eventual suspension of the FPF ", adds the text.

The maximum entity of this sport had already been avoided, or earlier, at the Federation of the country neighbor, which is also indicated in the letter. "If the FPF continued its actions, it should hold elections on the basis of its current statutes, which would imply the violation of the conditions established by FIFA and Conmebol."

"If the plenary session of the Congress adopts second By voting the amendments to the law and then the President of the Republic will promulgate it, the FPF will be suspended with immediate effect. This suspension will be lifted as soon as the current version of the law adopted by the Congress will be adopted again. "

Peruvian football (to repeal the law) would lose the South American U-20 Championship in Chile (January), South America 17 in Lima (March), Copa America Brazil 2019 (June), Pan-American Games of Lima 2019 (July), World Sub 17 in Peru (October), playoffs of Qatar 2022 (November) .In addition, they would lose the organization of the U17 World Cup and the opportunity to host the final of the Copa Sudamericana 2019.

FIFA to FPF: the FIFA Bureau decided today that "the FPF would be suspended with immediate effect" if the Congress approves by a second vote the amendments made to the law on the reinforcement

– Football Federation of Peru (@TuFPF) of November 5, 2018

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