Josefina Montané surprises with the cover of the subject of Gervasio


The actress interpreted "With a shovel and a hat" for the musical show "A Sunday in Santiago".

This is a multi-faceted artist. In addition to being an actress, model and influential, Josefina Montané responsible for the interpretation Ágata in "Pacto de Sangre" she sings and has shown recently

Montané made an impact this weekend playing in the last episode of the season of the musical space "A Sunday in Santiago" where various national actors came together to talk about Music and performance of his favorite songs .

Josefina decided to sing "With a shovel and a hat ", one of the best-known songs of singer-songwriter Gervasio . ]

Through his official Instagram account ( @pin_montane ), Pin, the nicknamed actress, revealed that he had chosen this theme to thank his father for " filled my music life ".

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