Barcelona equalizes against Inter in Italy and is about to settle in the second round of champions | The sports


FC Barcelona could not face Inter Milan in Italy and ended up complaining of a 1-1 draw. on the final while they were already striving for victory in Group B Champions League and alternately qualifying for the knockout stages.

But the last thing will have to remain on hold, because the equality did not reach the Catalans to certify their pbadage to the turn

During the first semester the Barcelona team was better than the local population with at least three opportunities to open the account, but Luis Suarez was not doing well and ended up spoiling good opportunities to go forward a second time. and Malcom with them, the team gained more offensive momentum and set off with everything in search of the advantage, who came across it after defining an excellent combination with Coutinho's left foot entering the zone in 83 '.

After cardboard, L'Inter immediately turned to parity and achieved it in the 87th minute thanks to Mauro Icard who took advantage of Busquets' bug in the small space to be delimited. between the legs of Ter Stegen. ] Then, we have no time to do more, and both tables are satisfied with the distribution of points .







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