The protagonists of "Game of Thrones" advance in the final battle – 11/07/2018


Crying, emotion, anxiety, fear. We still have to wait until next year for the first and last season of Game of Thrones on HBO, but no one can stop talking about it.

The same actors, who have just recorded, ] are mobilized by the impressive final battle that will decide the fate of the Westeros .

  Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones.

"It was overwhelming, I felt anesthetized, I had to walk for a few hours," Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) told Entertainmet Weekly at the first reading of the script.

"It had a very profound effect on me," said Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen), who had to go home as soon as she received the email containing the scenes, so she could read quietly, alone, with "a cup of tea in your hand" as he describes it.

Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) confessed that for the first time in years he had not jumped at the end to see if his character had survived or not. The same thing happened for Kit Harington (Jon Snow): "Do not tell me, I do not want to know," he said as soon as he entered the actors' meeting. When he finally read it, tears fell.

The truth is that the actors have been asked expressly (and often, as they say) not to reveal the slightest detail of what is happening on the set. And, as they recognize themselves, they have been able to do a better job than in previous seasons (even with several drinks at the top).

"There are times when you do not even trust yourself", "You have in your possession information that millions of people want to have … it's very weird," were some of the comments. In the meantime, thousands of theories circulate on the Internet.

Clarke and Harington have published a few words on this subject.

"It's ruthless, scenes that should have been recorded five years ago in a day, now they take five, they want everything to be perfect, they take pictures with all the possibilities to have options", he explained. His companion said, "Everything was longer than usual, every decision, every conversation, every attitude has a unique feeling of intensity."

  Jon Snow and Daenerys, key characters in the medieval series. HBO Press Photo

Jon Snow and Daenerys, key figures in the medieval series. HBO Press Photo

Soon, HBO will be releasing a trailer revealing more details. Until now, only the following are known:

  • The season begins at Winterfell, with an episode that has many winks to the first chapter of the series.
  • There will be many characters involved, some of whom are not yet. They know each other. "19659017]" It's incredibly exciting, it will leave you feeling bittersweet, "concluded executive producer Bryan Cogman.Although Game of Thrones ends, the story Westeros will continue. HBO is already working on new thematic projects even in a previous context, with events that occurred hundreds of years before the original story. protagonists, talks about Naomi Watts and Josh Whitehouse

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