
"Story of a Bear", literary version, played a new role in the Dialogues in Motion program of the Magallanes region. The filmmakers and writers of the text of the same name, Antonia Herrera and Gabriel Osorio, traveled to Punta Arenas to interact with students from Sarmiento schools in Gamboa.

Both artists told details of this amazing story. The Audiovisual marked a milestone by becoming the first animated short film in Chile and Latin America to win an Oscar in 2016. And now, the natural bear that has captivated young people and the The younger generation entered the book world with the help of the Zig-Zag and Punkrobot Editorial Study, with which they have already published 35,000 copies.

The director of the film and the art director explained to the students at the fourth base of the educational institution how they managed to give life to a bear separated from his family and captured to work in a circus.

"Any cultural activity is important to promote identity, is the key to the development of the country, we support this type of initiative 100%," said Osorio about the experience in which he exposed the plot that hides a human tragedy. Behind the nostalgic animal hides a harder and political story. The confinement in a circus is actually a forced exile.

The artistic director of the short film and illustrator of the book described the meeting with the students – first in the format Dialogues in Motion – as "too good." We loved to participate. million questions and super intelligent and interested.For us, encourage reading, narration and allow children to tell their stories, this is part of our job and it's super nice to encourage it, "said Herrera, who took the time to photograph with the students and the golden statue.

The Serem of Cultures, Arts and Heritage, Katherine Ibacache, also present at the day, said she was satisfied with the result of the initiative. "We met the expectations we had, we were visited by two important artists from Chile's cultural and national scene, and they brought us this great recognition to share with the students. the students have appreciated and learned, these activities allow children to enjoy reading and that's what we promote, "he said of the program promoted by the Ministry of Cultures and the National Reading Plan.

The short film and the text are a metaphor for reconstructing the exile of his grandfather Leopoldo Osorio, member of the Socialist Party and secretary of the deposed President Salvador Allende, in the UK, and its impact on the family . In addition to the pleasant conversation with the students of the Sarmiento school in Gamboa, the Oscar winners spoke during the afternoon of Friday at Hernando de Magallanes School. They met children and young people belonging to the audiovisual workshops of the host schools, Father Alberto Hurtado, and participants from the Cecrea Punta Arenas laboratories.

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