Manuel Pellegrini on the verge of adding Samir Nasri to West Ham United | The sports


West Ham United of Manuel Pellegrini plans to continue to strengthen considerably for next year. The entire engineer is about to sign Samir Nasri 31 years old, led by the Chilean during his pbadage in the Manchester City .

The French face the last few months of punishment after being suspended for violating the World Anti-Doping Code and UEFA rules after receiving 500 milliliters for intravenous 39; sterile water containing nutrients during his vacation in Los Angeles in 2016.

reports the channel Sky Sports News the cast led by the engineer, will undergo medical examinations to the midfielder before deciding to join him that can only take place during the January 2019 market, due to a delicate knee injury that affects him since his stadium in the "citizens".

The intention of the club is to prevent the French footballer from falling into a serious illness.

This would be the third stage of Nasri in the Premier League . The Frenchman already played in the Arsenal between the seasons 2008 and 2012 and in the city.

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