WWE: Becky Lynch "knocks" Ronda Rousey and Nia Jax on Twitter


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An injury remains Becky Lynch and Survivor Series but despite his absence, he continues to inflict powerful "hits" on his rivals.

Nia Jax He connected a huge right hand to Becky during SmackDown's invasion of the red mark, which caused a facial fracture that excluded him from the Survivor series. After that, the critics did not wait for Nia, who made fun of it.

"Hey … we are not putting in correspondence, there are things going on." Will anyone ever ask me how my fist feels? "

After Becky did not remain silent and replied to the powerful fighter, because despite the wounds, she continued with the other members of the blue mark.

"You gave me your best punch, but I got up to destroy your entire list, they will not let me fight, but I will get up again. despite the seriousness of my memory, I did not forget you, bitch . "

Who would be his rival in Survivor Series, Ronda Rousey, also spoke about Becky

" I am really sorry about The Millennial Man does not show up on November 18 at the Staples Center. Unfortunately, everyone now knows that if someone hits you, your face implodes .I suggest you continue to practice your bad girl faces in the mirror, this would be a very effective physical therapy ….

"… I love you 100% recovered, prepared and who looks me in the eyes when the bell rings. "] Notify me when you have finished healing your pupils and that you are ready for me and that I can serve you your donkey on a silver platter with your toast to the lawyer. "

It blew Becky, who threw a painful sting, Round, remembering his last defeat at the UFC and the time it took to reappear in front of the cameras to compete but now for the WWE. [19659005] "Ronnie . When I broke my face, I got up appeared the next day to try to fight a little more. When you broke your face, you hid for a year . Your mind is as weak as your jaw, and I will move heaven and earth to destroy you both. "

It is not known how long Becky Lynch will stay out of action, but apparently she already has rivals at the door, although they are in the opposite mark to this one.

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