In the "U", they believe that Catholics "will fall"


Two dates at the end of the tournament, the Blues are two points behind U. Católica and waiting for a heart attack is expected.

"We have always been convinced that we will fight the title". Thus describes the moment when he lives University of Chile the blue player Rodrigo Echeverría . Flying who has the headline of the title before a few seconds, since "we had to win games that were more doubtful if the Catholic left points, fortunately that has happened and we are at fight. "

Indeed, in the CDA they are aware that "to fight against the title, we proposed to win the triumph, no matter the price to pay, if we go down, we must reverse it. " Does the Catholic fall? We, I think so. I hope he loses with O. Higgins, "he said.

A team that stays together and with unbroken faith. Like" they thought little before, but we had always hoped that we would lead the championship as we do now, win the title is the goal of everyone, the whole team lives it thoroughly, we work seriously and with humility, but we have to go step by step and win our games first, so the pressure is on the Catholics only. "

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A pressure that weighs on Universidad Católica, who is fighting against the ghosts of the cancellation of the tournament, a championship that he led during a most of the semester.

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