The unpublished interview of Michael Schumacher, known almost 5 years after his serious accident


  December 2013.

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One of the last images of Michael Schumacher taken before his accident in the French Alps in December 2013.

Seven times world champion Formula 1, Michael Schumacher, surprised by his freshness in an unpublished interview published by his family

is a kind of virtual dialogue where the German answers questions as and when they are selected. It had been recorded two months before the pilot suffered a serious accident five years ago.

Fans asked questions to learn more about his life.

Schumacher's family decided to publish the full interview now. on his website for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the German pilot.

"You can not be very sure of yourself to win. You must have doubts about yourself all the time


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Schumacher won his first league title Formula 1 World Cup in 1997.

This is one of the first communications from the Schumacher family after the accident, which occurred in a ski resort in France on December 29th. 2013.

Since then, no specific detail has been provided on the state of health of the pilot.

The interview goes around the life The professional of Schumacher leaves so naked his desire to compete In BBC World, we present the answers of the former German champion.

What moved you the most of the world title the first in 1994 or the first with Ferrari in 2000?

The most moving was the Suzuka of 2000 with Ferrari. He had not won a World Cup for 21 years and had failed for four years. We finally won the race, a big race, and we won the championship.

During the 20 years you lived as a pilot, what was your most respected rival?

To the pilot who I respected Mika Häkkinen for the great battles we had. We also have a very stable personal relationship.

Is formula 1 physically demanding?

It's very difficult. Of course, it was much more difficult before compared to today, without power booster or power steering. In any case, it is one of the most demanding sports. You need a lot of preparation.

Did you have an idol in Formula 1 when you were a kid?

During my childhood and youth, when I was running, I naturally admired Ayrton Senna and Vincenzo Sospiri. However, my true idol was Harald "Toni" Schumacher (goalkeeper of the German team of the World Cups of Spain 82 and Mexico 86) because he was just an excellent footballer.

You've always said that Formula 1 was team work, but often that sounds more like a solitary act …

Success depends on the work of the team. team. You do what you do. But as a team, you are stronger and Formula 1 is a team effort.

From the beginning, did you think you were going to get those records or had you ever doubted your abilities?

It is important to have doubts about not trusting too much, being skeptical and continuing to seek progress. I've always thought, "I'm not so good". I think this attitude has led me where I arrived.

You drove Benetton and Ferrari to the world championships and fashioned one way or another the current success of Mercedes, these seasons are they comparable in one way or from another? [19659005] If you go back and see the teams I've been involved in – like Benetton, where we won the championship after 4 or 5 years, the same thing with Ferrari, then we tried Mercedes, but in less time – there is something in common: Ross Brawn (current Formula 1 sports director)


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Michael Schumacher was a finalist in world karting at 16 years old.

In your goal of improving yourself? Have you badyzed all the drivers or only the best?

To advance one step, it is not enough to look at the vehicle. You have to look at yourself, look at the other drivers and not just the ones ahead. You have to look at everyone, so I did it, because everyone has something special that I want to understand.

Why do you say that karting is the best way to become a driver? 19659005] Karting is a good preparation for the future of motorsport. It gives you many techniques and tools to develop. And the fight in these tracks is a good learning that is achieved with karting.

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