Horoscope for today November 26, 2018


November 26, 2018 at 7:45 am.

Discover what awaits you in love, work and economy for today, Monday, November 26, with the horoscope of Luisa, the goddess of love.

ARIES (March 21 to April 20)
You have failed again in this relationship, but do not let yourself be pummeled, your subconscious told you that it was not good for you.
Your color: yellow | Your number: 8

TAURUS (April 21 to May 21)
You should never hide your emotions, it is not something you should be ashamed of. You must be honest.
Your color: green | Your number: 10

GEMINI (May 22 to June 22)
You will forgive the person who hurt you in the past, but that does not mean that you will give him another chance.
Your color: blue | Your number: 1

CANCER (June 23rd to July 23rd)
Consistency is the key to success. If you can keep pace with the projects you're doing, you'll get everything.
Your color: orange | Your number: 5

LEO (July 24 to August 24)
Your partner has come into your life to change everything, it allows you things that you could never have undergone.
Your color: violet | Your number: 3

VIRGO (August 24 to September 23)
It is impossible for the relationship with your partner to work if you do not leave your pride aside. You must have empathy with each other.
Your color: lead | Your number: 6

LIBRA (September 24 to October 23)
You will be strong enough to face the problems of your life in the next few days.
Your color: magenta | Your number: 14

ESCORPIO (October 24 to November 22)
Staying rooted in the past and in the mistakes you made, it will not help you solve your current problems.
Your color: red | Your number: 7

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 to December 22)
You will not support any of your colleagues after a long period of work with them. Take it easy.
Your color: brown | Your number: 2

CAPRICORN (from December 22nd to January 20th)
Today, you will be close to the people who love you the most, all the love and support that they will bring you will tell you a lot.
You color: turquoise | Your number: 13

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 19)
It does not bother you that some colleagues need you all the time, you are happy to help them solve their problems.
Your color: pink | Your number: 4

PISCIS (February 20 to March 21)
Your partner will give 100% with you and this will make you very happy, you know how to count on it.
Your color: lead | Your number: 17

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