Government puts an end to the suspense and seals agreement for public sector rehabilitation following protests


In the midst of clashes between tax officials and carabinier special forces, outside the Ministry of Finance, the parties gave their position and asked to conclude the pact after three days of mobilization. "Today, we have reached an agreement, which is not what all the parties have said, but I value it for the good disposition and the spirit that underlies it", said Finance Minister Felipe Larraín.

Three days of national strike, nine meetings, the pressure of parliamentarians demanding at least 4%, demonstrations and clashes with carabineers. The government and the public sector table reached an agreement on the adjustment of wages in the public sector

. It went from 3.1% last week to 3.3% a few hours ago. Finally, on the periphery of the Ministry of Finance, the executive and public officials announced that the agreement provided for a readjustment of 3.5%.

It should be recalled that in the public sector they requested an initial adjustment of 8%. these meetings were then reduced to 7.1% and then to 6% at the end of the meetings.

"The process has been long, but these processes are like that, and I want to value what we have agreed on." The numbers and all we have advanced, we have also moved forward in an agreement to establish a relationship with the 15 public sector unions, "said Finance Minister Felipe Larraín.

"We have reached an agreement today that all parties are calmer but that I value it for the good disposition and the spirit that underlies it."

The person in charge Public finance has indicated that in addition to the figure, the agreement contemplates incentives for the withdrawal of certain public officials. from the agen da 2019. For the moment, the agreement was signed by 13 of the 15 unions. Anef and the Teachers Association should always consult the basics.

On the other hand, Larraín badured that the rehab income would be "as soon as possible", "but considering that next week is a district, it will be" with immediate discussion of having the rehab bonuses (also Christmas) and adjustments as soon as possible. "

Although the decision was made, at a meeting that was extended over four hours later, tax officials were demonstrating before the siege of Teatinos 120, the third day of the demonstrations.

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