A quake of magnitude 4.3 affected the central area of Chile, during the afternoon of Wednesday.
The telluric movement had its epicenter at 34 kilometers west of Navidad, in the region. from O. Higgins and his hypocenter located 34.6 kilometers deep
According to social network users, the shaker was also seen in the regions of Valparaíso and Región Metropolitana.
# ONEMIInforma #Sismo of less intensity in the region of # Valparaíso . Discover it at the address https://t.co/OFmIDadvHr from pic.twitter.com/RtG9MbEmBy
– onemichile (@onemichile) on November 28, 2018
No damage has not been reported to third parties nor any affection for basic services in areas affected by the earthquake.
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