"He taught me how to die": María Luisa Godoy has been introduced in "Arrived you hora & # 39; remembering his father | Television and shows


A few months after baduming the position of official host of the Viña del Mar festival, María Luisa Godoy visited the program . His time has come from TVN to expose his position on the issues of national contingency and review the episodes of his life.

Without a doubt, one of the most moving moments of the program occurred when Arturo Guerrero asked her about the relationship she had had with her father over the years. last years of her life, when she took on the responsibility of taking care of him.

"I love my dad, I love him and there is no day he does not miss me .It was a privilege for me to live together the last eight years of their life, because we have come to know ourselves more deeply " Godoy expressed tears in his eyes.

In this context, the cheerleader explained that his father was very worthy "When he was afraid of something in life, he was in the disability. says to me: "Doll, I'm a bitch for you." " he recalls.

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Maria Luisa revealed that she knew that her father was suffering a lot of prostitution. " He never complained, he never asked me anything, he taught me to die like that, dignified and with a very happy life, very peacefully and honestly" he added.

"It was easy even to die, he would say to me," I'm at home, I'm paid, "he remembered the last words he'd uttered before leaving, at age 91 years old.

Finally, Arturo asked her what she believed, what would be the message that her father would pbad to her now that they had chosen her as Viña's cheerleader. "& # "Doll, you're going to crack!" That would tell me, "Godoy condemned.

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